Risotto with Red Scorpionfish

Here it is another risotto, with one of the best fish available on the market in my opinion: the Red Scorpionfish. It is a fish that traditionally is used for example in fish soups, but its fillet it’s really delicious, with a nice and nervous texture, and particularly tasty, more intense than many other fish….

Risotto with Tub Gurnard – Risotto alla Gallinella

Do you know the tub gurnard? In Italian we call it gallinella, and traditionally it’s one of those fish used to make many delicious fish soups, but its fillet it’s also very good and it can be used in many ways. In the past, like all the fish “for soups”, it was quite a poor…

Coq au Vin – Braised Rooster

This is one of the most iconic recipes of the French cuisine, not only because the “coq” is their national symbol, but because this recipe is really a masterpiece if properly executed. It’s an old recipe with a long history and tradition, that dates back when it was common to have roosters at home, or…

Cinghiale in Dolce Forte – Tuscan Wild Boar Stew

I love game meat, in winter I use to prepare it more times, and wild boar is between my favorites. I use to prepare it stewed, with usual Italian flavors, but this recipe it’s very unique for nowadays common taste, and the first time it can be very surprising 🙂 perfect for some special occasion….

Oxtail with Dark Beer Sauce

Here I am with a new recipe of a cut I really like: the beef tail 🙂 Yes, I use to like what maybe most of people don’t buy 😀 but this cut is really great, and it has such a great and intense flavor that few other cuts of the animal can match with…

Brasato di Manzo – Beef Braised in Red Wine

Here comes one of the most famous recipes in Italy 🙂 when some feasts come, this is one of those recipes people might consider. It’s a recipe where the quality of the ingredients will help a lot on the final result: the most famous version indeed is the “Brasato al Barolo”, as the name says…

Fava Beans Soup, with Barley

Probably I already wrote it, but I love legumes and I love this kind of soups, especially for dinner 🙂 Fava beans are very particular, they are quite different than normal beans, and you can make great things with them. They are great fresh, but in this case I used dried fava beans. And I…

Agnolotti al Brasato – Pasta Filled with Braised Beef

Christmas arrived and like every year  I love to prepare the traditional good recipes of this feast 🙂 since I’m Italian I do Italian recipes, usually the ones of my area of origin, but from north to south in Italy there are countless traditional recipes for Christmas so sometimes I like to pick also recipes…