Amalfi Lemon Cake – Torta di Limoni Amalfitana

I ordered several kg of wonderful lemons from Amalfi coast, so I had to find out what to do (I’m joking, it’s not a problem 😀 ), and between the many good things to do there was this simple but amazing cake, so perfumed, perfectly moist and it will keep its characteristics for days, almost…


This is a very good cake typical of the Scandinavian area, but also Estonia and also some other countries. From all the recipes I saw, this seems to be more the Estonian version. But there are various versions, also with dried fruits or raisins for example. It has a very old origin, dating back centuries…

Torta di Mele – Apple Cake

I think almost everyone have an apple cake recipe, and if they are made with good quality ingredients they are all good 🙂 the apple cakes are those cakes that make us think to the “grandmother cakes”, they are probably the more “homey” of the cakes and they are usually quite easy to make. And…

Sbrisolona Cake

The Sbrisolona is a cake typical of Mantua area, it’s hard, friable and rich (of calories 😀 ), it’s a rustic recipe with a poor origin (from the old peasant culture, as often) and with a history that dates back several centuries (it seems the first recipes are from the XVI/XVII century), and some sources…

Torta di Carote – Carrot Cake

Since long I wanted to do this cake, but for a reason or for another, I never had time. I used to eat it sometimes several years ago, but lately I didn’t. But this time the wish came to my mind suddenly, so I said to myself “yes, now I do it!” 🙂 The recipe…

Torta di Rose (Rose Cake)

Here it is another of my favorite cakes 🙂 and I tell you soon, there are no roses in the recipe, but the name is just because of the shape (I’ll tell you more, in my village of origin we call it also “Ricciolina”, which means small curls). This cake is typical of Lombardy region…


It’s been a while without posting anything (in the last weeks we’ve been in Amalfi coast, Naples and Sicily, and we didn’t really want to use internet 🙂 ), so I think it’s time to do some new posts 🙂 This is one of the most typical cakes eaten for breakfast in the Italian families, and…