
This is a very good cake typical of the Scandinavian area, but also Estonia and also some other countries. From all the recipes I saw, this seems to be more the Estonian version. But there are various versions, also with dried fruits or raisins for example. It has a very old origin, dating back centuries…

Dresdner Christstollen

Christmas season was coming again, and this year I decided to prepare a Stollen, the typical German sweet for these feasts 🙂 It is a fruit bread that originated in Dresden, and it has a long history, and like most of the recipes with long history it has changed during the years. At the beginning…

Cake with Ricotta and Lemon

This is a cake that is very easy to make, very fast, but it has an amazing flavor, and a very nice freshness given by the lemon. It’s not the usual soft spongy cake, but it’s more compact and wet. You can choose the ricotta you prefer (cow, sheep or buffalo), what’s important is to…

Cinghiale in Dolce Forte – Tuscan Wild Boar Stew

I love game meat, in winter I use to prepare it more times, and wild boar is between my favorites. I use to prepare it stewed, with usual Italian flavors, but this recipe it’s very unique for nowadays common taste, and the first time it can be very surprising 🙂 perfect for some special occasion….

Kakaòs Csiga – Hungarian Rolled Pastry, with Cocoa

If you have been in Hungary for sure you have seen this very good sweet 🙂 It’s everywhere, it’s definitely one of the most common pastries here, and if it’s well done it’s really good, and it has nothing to envy to a croissant 🙂 actually there are 2 types of csiga: the one with…

Schwarzplententorte – Buckwheat Cake with Jam

This is a traditional “mountain cake” recipe typical of Südtirol, the northern area of Trentino Alto Adige region, in Italy. “Schwarzplententorte” is the name used in the German speaking villages (schwarzplentenmehl means buckwheat in the local German dialects, other German names for this flour are buchweizenmehl or hadnmehl), but in the villages where people speak…

Stroscia of Pietrabruna

This is one of the best cakes I ever did 🙂 I really love it and it’s so simple, but the flavor explodes in your mouth and stays for so long! It is also one of the countless old traditional regional recipes of Italy which are “traditionally vegan” 🙂 It was, at the time, a…

Biscotti di Prato – a.k.a. Cantuccini**

I’m sure that many of you heard about these famous Tuscan biscuits 🙂 and probably most of you heard about the word “Cantuccini” more often than “biscotti di Prato”. **Actually the title it’s not completely right because they are not exactly the same, and here I would like to talk a bit about their history…