Zander/Walleye Cheeks – Guance di Lucioperca

I don’t know how many of you know that the cheeks of the fish are some of the best parts, but for sure who is/has been an angler like me know 🙂 I used to go fishing regularly in Italy, cleaning my fish and learning to eat every part. Now I’m no longer fishing because…

Baked Zander/Walleye with Walnuts Crust

I use to cook the fillet of the Zander in the pan, but this is a recipe that sometimes I like to do and in this case the fillet is going to be baked. It’s more common to see recipes of fish with toasted almonds, but also walnuts sometimes can be an interesting choice. It’s…

Easy Autumn Grill :) Grilled Zander/Walleye

Yesterday evening the fisherman brought us an amazing 3 kg Zander from the Balaton lake…I already shared some recipes with this fish (HERE), but since the weather is still sunny I soon thought “that’s a perfect fish to grill tomorrow” 🙂 and I was definitely right 😛 one of the most simple ways to prepare food,…

Pasta with Zander “ragù” (or other fish too)

As I already said, the fisherman is bringing us a lot of fish in this period 😀 not a problem, eh 😀 so here it is another recipe with zander. This is a quite simple recipe, and the final result is very good, and moreover it’s a different and tasty way to prepare this fish (or…

Zander/Walleye “al Cartoccio” (in aluminium foil)

  Here we are with another beautiful Zander from Balaton lake 🙂 In the previous recipe we made fillets from it and cooked in a pan, this time instead we are going to cook the whole fish in the oven, with an old and simple technique, which is very efficient 🙂 Cooking “al Cartoccio” requires to cook our…

Zander/Walleye on Vegetables Sauce

And as April/May arrived, my friend the fisherman starts to bring us a lot of good lake fish 🙂 today we do a nice Zander fillet from Balaton lake (which is very similar to the northern american Walleye, indeed they are part of the same family, and I suppose they have a similar taste, so this recipe…