Torta di Pane – Stale Bread Cake

I love bread, good bread I mean, but not always I can eat it all 🙂 not a problem, we always do breadcrumbs that we always need in the kitchen, but this is another good way to use old stale bread 🙂 actually it’s not a recipe, it’s one of those things that people in…

Coq au Vin – Braised Rooster

This is one of the most iconic recipes of the French cuisine, not only because the “coq” is their national symbol, but because this recipe is really a masterpiece if properly executed. It’s an old recipe with a long history and tradition, that dates back when it was common to have roosters at home, or…

Cinghiale in Dolce Forte – Tuscan Wild Boar Stew

I love game meat, in winter I use to prepare it more times, and wild boar is between my favorites. I use to prepare it stewed, with usual Italian flavors, but this recipe it’s very unique for nowadays common taste, and the first time it can be very surprising 🙂 perfect for some special occasion….

How to Make the Perfect Hot Chocolate :)

Why to make a post about hot chocolate? Yes, it’s a good question, in effect it’s supposed to be a quite easy thing, but if I look around there are really few places making a real good hot chocolate (I repeat: hot chocolate, not simply milk with cocoa), too many places are making unpleasant “hot…