Schwarzplententorte – Buckwheat Cake with Jam

This is a traditional “mountain cake” recipe typical of Südtirol, the northern area of Trentino Alto Adige region, in Italy. “Schwarzplententorte” is the name used in the German speaking villages (schwarzplentenmehl means buckwheat in the local German dialects, other German names for this flour are buchweizenmehl or hadnmehl), but in the villages where people speak…


More precisely American/Canadian pancakes, because everywhere in the world there are various types of pancakes 🙂 These are the ones which are often prepared in USA or Canada for breakfast, where they are usually topped with maple syrup (better if the natural real maple syrup than the artificial ones), honey or chocolate and served with fruit,…

Torta di Mele – Apple Cake

I think almost everyone have an apple cake recipe, and if they are made with good quality ingredients they are all good 🙂 the apple cakes are those cakes that make us think to the “grandmother cakes”, they are probably the more “homey” of the cakes and they are usually quite easy to make. And…

Sbrisolona Cake

The Sbrisolona is a cake typical of Mantua area, it’s hard, friable and rich (of calories 😀 ), it’s a rustic recipe with a poor origin (from the old peasant culture, as often) and with a history that dates back several centuries (it seems the first recipes are from the XVI/XVII century), and some sources…

Kaiserschmarrn (Traditional Austrian Dessert)

Kaiserschmarrn is a quite simple dessert, that kind of dessert that makes you comfortable and that gives you a “home atmosphere”, especially if you serve it in the old way inside an iron pan, as they often do in Austria or Bavaria 🙂 Kaiserschmarrn is a sort of pancake which is then broken into smaller…